Danni Welch


Endoscopy, Ampcare

Area of Specialty

5 years experience in Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing, patient/caregiver advocacy, adult/geriatric swallowing and swallowing disorders.

Favorite part of your job?

Being able to help patients who have not been able to eat by mouth a way to return to eating and drinking the foods and drinks they love safely.

Why did you become a therapist?

My favorite uncle, Jesse, was born with an intellectual disability and we were very close as I was growing up. My earliest memories are of him and how much I wanted to help him and I was fortunate enough to have a close family friend who was an SLP. She encouraged me to pursue a degree in speech pathology.

Hobbies outside of work?

Planting and caring for flowers and plants, traveling to the beach, nature, hiking, reading, spending time with family and friends poolside, and learning new things.


What’s the one thing you wish your patients or physicians knew about your role in their care?

I wish physicians understood the value of a connection with a professional who truly understands the patient’s needs and the challenges they face with the presenting impairments after a life altering event. I wish the patients understood how much improvement can be achieved with a dedicated therapist who is driven by helping rather than earning.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I wish that both patients and physicians in our area knew that there are therapists that have advanced training and knowledge, put their patients first, and base decisions on research backed information. There are therapists out there who have not prioritized obtaining high quality continuing education and who have not kept up with the vast changes and advancements in the field of medical speech pathology within the last 20 years, that are sadly affecting physician and patients opinions of SLPs negatively.. I have zero interest in just going through the motions and this company was founded on the belief that there has to be a way to do the right thing for patients while sustaining a profitable business.