Jeremy Maxwell

Master’s of Science in Physical Therapy, B.S. Psychology, B.S. Health Science

N.D.T. cert, Certified Personal Trainer (N.S.C.A.), Certified Running Coach

Area of Specialty

Geriatrics, Body Mechanics in the work place, Transfer Training, health & fitness.

Favorite part of your job?

Learning the life history of my patients.

Why did you become a therapist?

Unlike other healthcare professions, I wanted to be able to spend one-on-one time with each patient in hopes of making the greatest impact on their health and well being.

Hobbies outside of work?

OUTSIDE: running, mountain biking, building forts, landscape photography, smallmouth bass fishing
INISIDE: cooking, indie music, reading The New Yorker magazine, video production, writing

What’s the one thing you wish your patients or physicians knew about your role in their care?

My coined phrase: “It’s not whether a patient is strong or weak. What matters most is correcting the wrong technique.”

Anything else you’d like to add?

I feel like I use my degree in Psychology as much as my PT degree LOL